The series, Cellular Flow describes an unsettling journey of chronic illness, its complexity and uncontrollable flow delicately combined in an otherworldly biological space. The cells travel through an internal landscape without direction whilst holding tightly to the external space. Crawford let’s these musings seep into her images in the hope they resonate with others.
“I’ve been thinking. Well, it seems I’ve always been thinking mainly about flow, flow of life, flow of cells, flow of energy, flow of time since I became ill, since others became ill.
Today I have a deeper understanding of my body, born of chronic illness. I scarcely noticed it before, just used and abused it. Now it manages me as my head cannot. Today, I made a deal with my body and agreed to listen to it and do what it tells me.
Allowing ourselves to travel with the flow brings us to a new future, one nourished by experience, knowledge and opportunity arising from the chaos, the complexity, the surreal".