"It’s really difficult living with social anxiety and I deal with it every day. Learning that I had Corticol Spreading Depression (CSD) last summer has sort of helped in a way as its confirmation that my brain has erratic changes and with medication it is now controlled. This means that I don’t suffer with so many headaches, don’t have to repeat my learning as often and gives me more time to deal with my day too."
Crawford’s research, as always, touches on evolutionary changes and the ultimate impact on the human condition. This series explores the bifurcated world of an anxious mind. It unravels questions surrounding parallel worlds, how they intertwine rarely making conscious the subconscious.Through medical imagery Crawford works with her daughter on her social anxiety, exacerbated by lockdown, where the imagery reveals an internal landscape sitting sometimes uncomfortably alongside the reality.
The Series ‘The Edge of Sentience’ reveals a binary connection of the mind. The divide creating a place to be, sometimes safe but often opposite and conflicting, whilst also complex and beautiful. Using medical imagery and creating a portfolio of images they explore ways to reduce anxiety and confront her daughters’ fears.